A project that references Google Sheets data and visualized with D3.js
Choose a topic and interact with the data. The map will update each time you explore a topic, while additional content and links appear in this content area
Available in our December release
Available in our December release
Available in our December release
Available in our December release
Available in our December release
Ranks countries by various economic indicators to track comparative progress.
Available in our December release
Available in our June release
We leverage several Javascript frameworks to centralize all maps into one. Each country element is connected with data as each menu item is chosen by the user.
Each query updates the tooltip info, so you will have both the list data in the content area and map data available simultaneously
We're starting with maps as we aggregate current global data to our master database. Version 2.0 will include additional data-visualtions apps like Timelines, Interactive Charts, and we'll be adding single country maps too.
Out next module will be of the USA, zoning it from state level down to township municipalities.
We're happy to incorporate your spreadsheet of world data into our database. If you contribute, we provide a credit and link to your site/research. We're always chatting on social media, following stories and supporting the web with quality data. Join us and share the knowledge.
Contact the developer at datagrammed@gmail.com for more info on license and use.
Yes, contact us to find out the proper approach and inquiries for long-term partnerships